All-in one Mobile Data Protection app built on the Mobolize SmartVPN™ technology that looks like a VPN but has the smarts that other VPN solutions lack to deliver you the fastest, most secure and efficient mobile data experience possible.
Awesome features to protect your phone:
• Protects your security and privacy when you use public Wi-Fi hotspots, so hackers can’t steal your data.
• Distributes your activity over WiFi and cellular simultaneously for the fastest possible network connection.
• Seamlessly transitions your activity to cellular when WiFi is unresponsive or slow, e.g. trying to open Google Maps while sitting in your driveway.
• Prevents cellular data overages
• Lets you watch twice as many videos, with less stalling
• Lets you do more online, like social media, news and browsing, with your current data plan
• Automatically encrypts your data when you connect to Wi-Fi networks. Avoids re-encrypting of HTTPS for faster performance, less battery usage and compatibility with all apps and video services.
• Data optimization leverages intelligent caching, data compression and video optimization that works with all apps and websites to double your cellular data plan.
• Channel bonding provides load-balancing and auto-switching between WiFi and cellular to ensure data connections are always fast and never blocked, even in a WiFi dead zone.
• SmartVPN™ technology intelligently applies optimization, security and channel bonding only when necessary to ensure the fastest possible performance and most efficient battery usage of any VPN.
Please note that if you check the data or battery usage on your phone, it will appear as though Mobolize is using a lot of data and battery. However, Mobolize isn’t actually using all that data/battery. The data/battery usage has actually now been shifted from your other apps, because your data now passes through Mobolize to enable our security and optimization features.
New Syniverse demo app with SECURE, BOND and OPTIMIZE!!