A long time ago in a valley far far away there once lived a blob. This blue blob met a yellow blob. When the two blobs touched they made a green blob kids. These kids kept getting in the way of Poppa and Mama. If there are to many kids in the way Poppa will explode and game over. See how many kids you can make.
Disclaimer: This game doesn't condone to multiple pregnancies in any way. Shows on tv were one family has many kids had no affiliation with this app. Pregnancies are a real thing. Pregnancies may happen while playing this game if everything falls into the right places. If this pregnancy occurs get prepared for real life. Pregnancy ends all fun in life.
The above statements are not personal views just statements anybody can find on the internet. I know Poppa isn' spelled Papa. I wanted Poppa to be spelled like this. I'm sure Blob Poppa doesn't have a care for his name, because he probably doesn't have a brain. Actually he doesn't have a brain. I created this game and I can say whatever I want about Poppa. Mama on the other hand is kind of a whore and will always put out. After Poppa explodes she just finds another Poppa to replace him, and Mama has kids with him. This is all a little messed up if you ask me, and people shouldn't do this in real life.
That is all folks.
Fixed Music