Flies? Hate 'em. More flies? Swat 'em. MORE flies? What the heck is going on? Ants? Beetles!? Bees?? WASPS? AND BIRDS?!? Why can't a picnic be enjoyed in peace? Come on..
Defend your food! Swat EVERYTHING! Even those crazy colored butterflies. What the heck, now flames are going everywhere. Butterflies cause all kinds of crazy stuff when you hit them.. even lightning or explosions. This doesn't make any sense at all!
Why does it sound like the flies are screaming? Hey.. GIVE ME BACK MY COOKIE!
All of this, and more.. in Swat!
* 10 different enemies
* 6 power-ups
* Campaign and Endless modes
* Silly screaming insects and addictive gameplay!
* Future updates for new enemies, game modes, campaign levels, and more!
1.01.1 - Sep 22, 2011
- Hotfix for Gas Cloud power-up
1.01 - Sep 22, 2011
- Fixed Force Close when touching the screen on certain devices
- Fixed timing issue with HTC Inspire and other devices
- Minor graphical additions
1.00 - Sep 20, 2011
- Launch