Competitive with people just like you to become #1 in the world. You can competitive with your friends or random people in the internet on multiplayer mode, up to 4 people at 1 game. The rules is so simple,
players take turns and make guess, if guess is correct player continue guessing, in case mistake chance to make guess goes to the next player. That's so easy and fun ! Guess which one !
If you feel that you lucky, this game definitely for you ! .
Game Includes ads, sorry for that. Anyway you can remove all of them.
About developer: A G S this is a one person game developing studio (if it's correct to call studio) located in Ukraine. At this time was published only Way Out, but one awesome game in developing and a lot in my mind. Feel free to contact with me with any questions or suggestions and don't forget for feedback!
Check out my developer account to see all of my games. Very appreciate for any feedback!
Post in twitter your highest result screenshots and highest screenshot will be posted here ;)
Guess which one !!!
Added local multiplayer (up to 3 people).
Fixed some bugs.
Added dynamic background color changing.
Have fun :)