Nelzon is a 15 year old school-boy. However, his life is atypical of what most 15 year olds would experience. Nelzon’s family is plagued with serious financial problems and he is doing his part to ease his family’s concerns by slipping in numerous odd jobs. He is exhausted having to balance between studies and work. He feels severely stressed-out and at this critical juncture, a mysterious stranger approached him to offer drugs. He knows that drugs are harmful and that consuming drugs is an illegal act.
Can Nelzon resist this temptation? Or will Nelzon fall victim to his Evil Conscience?
A collaboration between Preventive Education Unit (PEU), Central Narcotics Bureau and School of Interactive and Digital Media (SIDM), Nanyang Polytechnic.
Nelzon is a runner game based on the life of a troubled schoolboy. Here, players assume Nelzon’s role to evade and battle the Evil Conscience who constantly appears from nowhere in the day to tempt Nelzon into taking drugs. Players will have to guide his avatar, through jumping and sliding, across the 5 different game scenarios to avoid drugs and collect sufficient rewards (Coins, Books and Power-Ups) to last him through the day. Remember, say NO to drugs!
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