A colony of black ants lived peacefully over a green hillock, guarded by black ninja ant. All their peace was disturbed when a huge mothership of alien insects invaded the hillock.
The Black Ninja Ant who is always alert on attack from outsiders took position to counter attack. He alerted his colony and started to fight to regain peace.
Join the Black Ninja Ant in his fight to protect the little colony by attacking and killing the Alien Insects.
The game is an arcade mode adventure, with unlimited attack mission coming all your way. The insect seems to be never ending. The interesting line of weapons, rescue equipment and Killer Skills package adds a great punch to this Ant tactics.
жжж Game Feature жжж
жж Killer Skills – Use the skills to tackle the insects жж
◙ Dragon Shuriken
◙ Clone Strike
◙ Fire Ball Blast
◙ King ant Slash
◙ Tornado Spin
◙ Multi Strike
◙ Comet Strike
◙ Inferno Burst
жж Rescue equipment – Save yourself from the deadly insects, when they try to outsmart you. жж
* This app is integrated with Alphonso Automated Content Recognition (“ACR”) software provided by Alphonso, a third-party service. With your permission provided at the time of downloading the app, the ACR software receives short duration audio samples from the microphone on your device. Access to the microphone is allowed only with your consent, and the audio samples do not leave your device but are instead hashed into digital "audio signatures." The audio signatures are compared to commercial content that is playing on your television, including content from set-top-boxes, media players, gaming consoles, broadcast, or another video source (e.g., TV shows, streaming programs, advertisements, etc.). If a match is found, Alphonso may use that information to deliver more relevant ads to your mobile device. The ACR software matches only against known, commercial audio content and does not recognize or understand human conversations or other sounds. For more information, you can visit Dumadu privacy policy.
NOTE: We might need the below permissions for Alphonso and user has the choice for Opting Out.
android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE, android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO, and android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE