Put your phone away worry free.
Make sure you don't have any apps installed that could prevent Text U L8r from working such as Battery Savers, Antivirus, Wakelock Modifiers, Ect.
- Auto Reply
- Picture Message Replies
- Reply to Texts
- Reply to Calls
- Multiple Reply Profiles
- Automatic Profile Switching and Activation
- Reply Profiles can Activate by:
- Time of Day
- Day of the Week
- When you're Driving (upcoming feature)
- At a Location (upcoming feature)
- Gallery of Pictures
- Add Your Own Pictures
- Create Contact Groups
- Reply to Certain Contacts Only
- Reply History
- Material Design
Advanced Feature: Ability to create "if then else" logic with multiple reply profiles and priority ordering.
Upcoming Features:
- Many more settings to control who gets auto replies
- Extend history to include when profiles activate or deactivate
- Settings to control notification sounds while a profile is active
- Much much more
Discuss, send feedback, and track bugs in this Google+ community:
Known Bugs:
Notifications don't work correctly in Android O
Recurring profiles sometimes wont activate
Txt U L8r cannot read any messages stored on your device (No READ_SMS Permission) and it does not read any incoming text message content. It only uses incoming notifications to read the sender number.
We do not collect any personal information.
Permissions usage explanation:
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : to save images taken by the user or from their gallery.
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : to use images saved by this app only.
CAMERA : to take images to add to this app's gallery.
READ_CONTACTS : to create contact groups and use them to filter replies.
SEND_SMS : to send replies.
RECEIVE_SMS : to reply to a text message.
RECEIVE_MMS : to reply to a multimedia message.
SMS_RECEIVED : to receive the android system broadcast of an incoming message.
READ_PHONE_STATE : to reply to incoming calls.
0.0.01 First Release!
0.0.02 Settings bug fix