This app is designed to send an SMS or Email from stored messages on the device.
Add a collection of contacts from your phone contacts for fast selection.
Select a message and a title click on Send.
To send as an E-mail check the check box on the send page.
It's recommended not to use it when you drive, to prevent any accidents.
A new message can be added by clicking on the round plus icon, and a new title can be added by long-click on the same icon.
All titles and messages are stored in a database on the device.
It's recommended that all contacts are properly formatted where the mobile/cell number is set as the correct type.
Add a mail address to the contact to be able to send as a E-mail.
The app will fetch data from the phone contacts so any changes in the contact will be used by the app.
I do hold your privacy very high, and do not like when peoples privacy are broken.
No data is sent or to anyone else but the contact selected.
No data is stored on any external server.
No contact info are read or sent to a third party, or stored on any external server.
There is no code in this app that stores or send any data from your device to any external server.
The app is free and without commercials.
If you find any strange behavior or have any idea for a feature, please do send e an E-mail.
Added Swedish and German language.
Fixed minor bugs.
Added edit of messages, titles and contact badges.
Added signature in preferences to be added to the message.
Added help page.
Fixed bugs and a couple of crashes.
First revision.